domingo, febrero 05, 2006

¿Acaso no son bonitos los monopolios?

The End of the Internet?
The nation's largest telephone and cable companies are crafting an alarming set of strategies that would transform the free, open and nondiscriminatory Internet of today to a privately run and branded service that would charge a fee for virtually everything we do online.
Postage Is Due for Companies Sending E-Mail
Companies will soon have to buy the electronic equivalent of a postage stamp if they want to be certain that their e-mail will be delivered to many of their customers.
Just why did the government break up AT&T?
Google is getting a lot of attention over some of its actions—notably its agreement to filter content on its search engine in China—largely because of its oft-repeated and closely held belief that it should “do no evil.”
The fact that AT&T has never strongly asserted such a belief may explain why the company is getting less ink for some of the news it’s been making recently.

Y será que...
A pesar de lo que digan algunas personas, el amasamiento de poder con base en la capacidad económica y el comercio (es decir los monopolios), sin duda acarreará un flujo mayor de situaciones, circunstancias y problemas que actualmente ya se padecen en distintos lugares del globo terráqueo. Es decir, el poder -ya sea político, económico ó social- concentrado en unas cuantas manos, se ha probado como inequitativo a través de los siglos. Amén.

Vía: Menéame.Net

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